Monthly Archives: June 2016

Suggestions to make the NBA Finals better…

The NBA finals are here. Or at least I think that it’s the finals. Judging from watching what I thought was Game 2, there must be a reason for calling it the NBA finals. The Cavs could not look more final than what I saw. Golden State is kicking ass. Why is the NBA forcing us to watching this on prime time? This is the type of game that should be played on ESPN 17 or something…You know the ESPN that shows like spelling bees and nerds playing video games and stuff. It’s clear to see that God loves the Warriors more than the Cavs. Everybody on their team is hitting 3’s. Coaches. Ball boys. Hell at one point I thought I saw Riley Curry in the game. And even she hit 2 threes. Golden State is making the Cavs look bad. Like Cleveland Browns Quarterbacks, bad. Like Bone Thugs N Harmony when they need their cornrows done, bad. Like Jim Brown’simage feet from “I’m Gon Git You Sucka” bad. (*)







I have a few suggestions because America shouldn’t have to watch such dominance. I mean at least at the YMCA they have a mercy rule. So to make this series a little more…bearable to watch, how about this:

1. Golden State has to only play with 4 players on the court. And they cannot be the light skinned players either. This eliminates Steph, Clay, Shaun Livingston, the one that kinda looks like Usher, and the one with the curly hair. Maybe then the Cavs will have a shot at making this a little more competitive. They still wouldn’t win but, at least I will wait to watch to Game of Thrones until the game goes off. Awe who am I kidding? I would still watch G.O.T live.
2. Get the refs involved…Lets call a few extra traveling calls…an extra foul here and there. Got something to say about it?
Technical Foul! Still talking? Another technical foul, you’re outta here! It still won’t be close but at least it will be more fun to see that this blowout.

3. Bring back the OKC vs. GSW series. Now THAT was a series. THATS how a finals should be played. Unfortunately it was the Western Conference Finals.

These are just a few ways to make this series better. Because game 2 was so bad, the commentators weren’t even talking about the game anymore. Hell Jeff Van Gundy started talking about what he had for lunch and how he can’t wait to see the new Ghostbusters movie. Now don’t get me wrong, I wanna see the new Ghostbusters movie too. imageI think it’s gonna be good. I just wanna see a good NBA finals first.